North Cyprus is at the forefront of LGBTQ+ fertility care with its commitment and expertise in providing access to care for gay, lesbian and trans patients in a safe and professional environment.
Families, like babies, come in all shapes and sizes. Health NCY assists in finding gay and lesbian couple’s different options to build their families with the help of fertility treatments.
How do we help?
If you have decided to let us help you start a family, you and your partner will have an initial consultation with one of our recommended physicians. This can be either via email, phone or video conference, if not in person.
You will together discuss your medical history, diagnostic testing, potential treatment, and financial options. After the consultation, additional diagnostic testing will determine the fertility level of both partners.

Options for Gay Men
Gay men have the option of egg or embryo donation combined with gestational surrogacy.
While it’s only possible to use the sperm from one man to fertilise any given egg, some gay couples choose to do split insemination, in which half of the eggs are put with one man’s sperm and the other half are put with the other man’s sperm.
Options for Lesbian Women
Lesbian women have several options for starting or growing their families.
Individuals and couples can choose Intrauterine Insemination (IUI), also known as artificial insemination, either with an anonymous or known sperm donor or alternatively IVF for women who may be experiencing problems conceiving through insemination.
The medical team you choose to go ahead with will help through the process of choosing the right treatment path and sperm donor.

Co-IVF for Lesbian Couples
IVF allows same-sex partners to share in the process of pregnancy through an approach called co-IVF or reciprocal IVF.
Here, eggs are extracted from one woman, inseminated with donor sperm to create an embryo, and then the embryo is transferred back to the other woman’s uterus to carry the pregnancy.
Many lesbian couples choose this shared path. It is also common in North Cyprus to come back for a second child and reverse who provides the egg and who carries the pregnancy.
Options for Transgender Individuals
Medical facilities in North Cyprus offer fertility preservation and treatment options to trans individuals and couples, both pre-and post-transition.
The freezing of eggs, sperm, or embryos prior to hormone therapy or surgery allows the opportunity to participate in the genetic makeup of any planned future offspring.
While some transgender patients may be able to conceive on their own, some may need the help of assisted reproductive technology to become pregnant. Treatment options include IVF, IUI or gestational surrogacy
Contact Health NCY and we will provide a more comprehensive breakdown of the options available to you in North Cyprus.