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In an IVF procedure, sperm and egg are placed in the same dish and fertilisation of the eggs by the sperm is expected.

However, if a sperm count is extremely low or is mostly abnormal, fertilisation cannot occur. In some case, even with normal sperm fertilisation does not occur for unknown reasons.

In an ICSI (intra-cytoplasmic sperm injection) procedure, single sperm is taken and injected into each egg by means of micro needles, guaranteeing fertilisation. The fertilised egg (embryo) can then be transferred into the womb of the woman as in a normal IVF cycle.

When is this procedure used?

ICSI may be used in the following cases, when:

  • The sperm count is very low;
  • The sperm has immobility issues;
  • The sperm have high rates of abnormality;
  • Sperm has been retrieved directly from the epididymis (PESA) or the testicles (TESA), from the urine, or by electroejaculation;
  • There are high levels of antibodies in the semen;
  • Fertilisation has failed in previous IVF treatment;
  • Sperm has been frozen.

In effect, when sperm are unlikely to fertilise an egg naturally, ICSI bypasses the natural processes involved in a sperm penetrating that egg.

Sperm injection procedures are getting more and more popular since it does not take this chance.

ICSI is used routinely throughout many North Cyprus clinics positively affecting pregnancy rates. ICSI offers men and their partners real hope of having their own genetic child. Unlike other clinics in the western world, there is generally no surcharge for ICSI procedures in NCY.

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Contact Health NCY and we will provide a more comprehensive breakdown of the options available to you in North Cyprus. 

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